Monday, 25 July 2011

O-chyo-ko-chyo-i (London)

I don’t know where I got it from, because it doesn’t happen with my siblings at all.  

I will:  

* walk through a doorway and brush my shoulder against the doorframe (I am only 5' 1.5" / 1.55m, and small in build);  

* pick up a vessel to drink from and miss my mouth, pouring the contents down my front;  

* open eye-level wall cabinets straight into my own face;  

* shut a door with one hand while the other hand is still on the door frame;  


* open doors into my own knees.  

And all this while sober!  

My Japanese friend, Satoshi Kitamura (now a famous children's book illustrator), has even given me a nickname in Japanese — o-chyo-ko-chyo-i, which means “The Clumsy One”.


  1. You wrote "And all this while sober!"
    Have you tried the same tasks after drinking? I knew somebody who claimed to be a better driver when drunk...

  2. I was told I spoke fluent Japanese when I was drunk...

  3. Reminds me of when I arrived one date late for a lecture, I hurried down to the free desk in front of where my friends were sitting, climbed over the desk to get into the seat and managed to knock all my things onto the floor. My friend stood up and looked at me with a dead pan face and said "Let me guess, your superhero is Captain Klutz?"

  4. Ha, I've only just noticed this comment of yours, Kevin.

    At least you only knocked your things onto the floor. With my o-chyo-ko-chyo-i-ness, I'd probably climb over the desk and miss the seat altogether, crashing onto the floor!
