Monday 14 August 2023

Half full or half empty: 01 (London)

I'd learned to do energy adjustment in March, taught by the founders of 長生學 / Longevitology (LG).  

So, in addition to my massages and gardening, I’ve taken on a couple of Parkinson’s cases (one 73 years old, one 84), a 97-year-old lady (daughter said she detects onset of dementia), an 86-year-old kidney case, and his 82-year-old diabetic wife.

These are all private arrangements (but free as all LG adjustment treatments are), in addition to my regular Saturday LG adjustment stint at a community centre as a volunteer — I need 40 official practice sessions to be eligible for the Advanced level course.  Advanced practitioners can adjust people long distance — down the phone line and on Zoom, so I’m very keen to progress to that point so that I can cover a bigger geographical area. 

This is the WhatsApp-message conversation between me and a friend.

Friend:  You sound busy. 

Me:  Trying to use my body before it packs up.

Friend:  Less likely to pack up if you use it!

Me:  Haha, depends on how you look at it: half full or half empty.  I once said, in defence of my carrying a rucksack, to an English chap (who said I was like a tortoise) that weight bearing is supposed to be good for building up bone density and warding off osteoporosis.  He said, “But you end up with a hunchback!”  So using my body could make the muscles stronger from the exercise.  Or: make the body weaker from the wear and tear.

(London, 2023)

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