Thursday 25 August 2016

Spooky encounter (London)

A friend’s Facebook posts had said if one were to see feathers, they were blessings from angels, so I've been saying, "Thank you, Angel," every time I see one. 

Told my friend Jackie about this. 

Yesterday, we were walking in a small local community park (veg and flower beds, and pond) when a butterfly came over to me and landed briefly on my right hand.  Jackie said, "That's better than a feather from an angel!"

She'd recognised it as a comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album).  We googled it, and guess what they're commonly called??!!?  Spooky or what?

The Comma is a species of butterfly belonging to the family Nymphalidae. Its irregular wing edges are characteristic of the Polygonia genus, which is why they are commonly called anglewings.

Update 31 August: I've just realised it's "anglewings", not "angelwings"!!! The eyes see what the brain wants them to see...!

(London, 2016)

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