Monday, 10 February 2025

The black hole of socks


(From googling) 


A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it.


Old friend Valerio and I first talked about losing socks a few years back.

    He has a huge and growing collection of single socks, and doesn’t know what to do with them.  My initial response was:  “So what?  Why does one have to wear matching socks?  They are mostly not visible, anyway, under long trousers.”  He took courage from this.  I send him selfies of my mismatch-stockinged feet every now and then.

    Today, his WhatsApp message said:  “My sister sent me a link to an article saying that Feb 7 in her region is ‘unmatched sock day’ and used by schools as a metaphor to teach diversity ….”  How sweet of the Italians in her region (somewhere north).

    He went on to say, “My collection of unmatched socks is truly unbelievable. I have no idea how it can possibly happen. I will need to make an inventory soon.”

    I replied with, “Maybe if you dismantle the washing machine plus all the pipes leading to / away from it, you might find a graveyard of ejected socks down there….”

    Barring the above, I offered another solution: to go sockless, following the lead of Professor Cold Feet in

    Suggestions are welcome from any readers out there who can offer an explanation for where these socks disappear to, and how.

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