I was active in sport throughout my school days.
After only two years in London, I went back for a visit, and found myself unable to go out much. Spent a lot of my time sitting under the ceiling fan, and even then, I still couldn’t stay awake.
So how did I manage to be an athlete and a netball player for almost a dozen years?!?
I was a sprinter, hurdler and long jumper. For netball, I played the Centre position which covers all three sections of the court, while all the other players only cover two out of three. A lot of training had to be put in, not just competing on the days of the races and matches.
Yes, most of the time, we did have to wait until the sun was less fierce before starting our training round about 4pm, but it was still tearing around the field/court in the open outdoors.
Yet, after just two years in London, my body had adapted so well to the British climate that I couldn’t even leave the house without feeling like a blob of jelly, or “a slab of butter left out in the sun” as an English ex-colleague used to say of his time in Xiamen (/Amoy) in Fujian province, S.E.China.
(Singapore, 1960s / 1979)
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