Sunday 2 June 2024

London is a stranger-friendly city (London)

I used to hear it said that, being such a big city, London makes one feel lonely.

    My own experience of having lived here for 47 years now testifies to the opposite.  

    A lot of total strangers who happen to make eye contact with you on the pavement or the bus/Tube will instantly give you a smile.  A young man (black, mid-/late 20s??) a month ago even beamed radiantly at me as soon as I stepped into the Tube carriage, as if I were his old friend.

    A fortnight ago, I was right behind a young man (black, late 20s / early 30s??) who was about to take the seat nearest the door in the Tube carriage when he spotted me and immediately offered the seat to me.  I saw that there was an empty one next to it, so I pointed this out and took that seat instead, thanking him for the kind thought.  I then tapped him on the shoulder and whispered to him, “I’m small, so I only need one seat.”  He guffawed at this.

    Yesterday, I was carrying a loaded (cabin luggage-size) suitcase up the steps at Northfields Tube station (not far from Heathrow) when, about 5 or 6 steps near the top, it was suddenly picked up from behind by a young man (black, late 30s / early 40s??).  I said to him, “Where were you at the bottom of the steps?!?”  He said, “I only help at the end!”  We both laughed and went our separate ways.

(London, 2024)

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