Monday 3 June 2024

How people in poorer countries travel: 01 (India)


A friend forwarded a video featuring the ingenuity of people in poorer countries when transporting themselves and their families, their animals (mostly for sale at the market), their wares (some even very large sheets of wood or glass or metal).

    The first picture in that video featured a bus in India with passengers taking up the whole rooftop.  Hanging off the sides and back were more people.  They waved cheerfully at the cameraman.  It’s a wonder that the bus didn’t tilt backwards with all that extra weight on the back.

    I saw an Indian film in the 80s (made in the 50s by famous Indian film director Satyajit Ray).  This young woman, in her 20s, was on the bus — 2 long rows of seats on both sides of the inside, along the windows (thus leaving more room for people to stand / for the bus to carry more people), so the window was behind her.  She was thinking about a particular problem.  The camera was on her face.  The next thing was:  a man's face appeared outside the window behind her!  He must've been clinging on to the outside of the bus, hahahahaha.

(India, 1950s, 2024)

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