Wednesday, 7 August 2024

The Turkish Van cat (England)

Jenny, an Australian colleague at the film company (producing The Heart of the Dragon, a 12-part documentary series for Channel Four, 1984), was visiting a friend when she spotted the kitchen sink tap dripping, so she turned it off more tightly.

A little while later, it was dripping again, so she turned it off again. This went on a number of times, so Jenny told her friend about it. The friend said, “Oh, there’s nothing wrong with the washer. We’ve left it like this deliberately, as our cat likes to sit under the tap and let the water drip on his head.” 

The following day, Jenny walked past the toilet and saw the cat’s head protruding from the toilet bowl, its body immersed in the toilet. 

It turned out that the breed of the cat is Turkish Van, from Lake Van in Turkey, where they swim in/across the lake all the time. 

(England, 1980s)

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