Sunday 25 August 2024

Bus-spotting in Lima (Peru)


On my second visit to Peru in October 1987, I had a few hours to kill in Lima before catching my flight back to London, so I walked around Lima. 

At one point, I found myself on a busy road with buses looking like those American school buses one sees in movies. 

Ancient looking to me, partly because I’d first seen them in my younger days in movies, but more because of the design. 

Also ancient looking because Peru is so poor, so a lot of things are re-hashed and re-used. 

One of them had “Canada” on the front! 

I thought, “Wow, a clapped-out thing like that going all the way to Canada!” 

It turned out that Canada is the name of one of the districts in Lima (like the Angel or Highbury in London), not the country thousands of miles away!  Hahaha. 

I sat on a bench and watched all the buses going past, hour after hour, taking photo after photo of the different buses.  I could’ve stayed there all day.

(Peru, 1987)

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