Monday, 11 November 2024

The nature vs nurture of food: 02 (Durian)


Durian is another marmite-effect item.

(MBP dictionary)


a spiny oval tropical fruit containing a creamy pulp. Despite its fetid smell it is highly valued for its flavour.


Note the use of “fetid” for describing its smell.  Obviously written up by a non durian fan (and most likely a Westerner), because it’s not fetid at all to lots of S.E.Asian people.  Mind you, “fetid” is not as disgusting as some of the other words I’ve heard that are used for describing the smell of durian.

    I grew up hearing a saying: 

出,沙 / 榴出,沙

liúlián chū, shālóng tuō

“durian emerge, sarong remove”

    This means that when the durians come out on the market, the smell is so irresistible that the native people will take off their sarongs and pawn them to get the money to buy one.

    An English friend called Guy, whod worked for Reuters, loved durians.  He was once in Bangkok with another Westerner who wanted to sample Bangkok’s red light area.  Guy said to go and buy his durians first before the stalls packed up, as the red light district would be open all night, so his friend agreed to it.  

    Shopping done, they walked down the red light street, with Guy dangling his durians.  The prostitutes all fled.  Guy’s friend was not half pleased with him for ruining his evening.

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