The Gentle Giant did his Year Abroad in Tianjin for his Chinese degree in Zurich.
Being Swiss, he found the Chinese habit of spitting particularly revolting, with the pre-spit hawking even more disgusting, because the noise is making the hearer anticipate the gob.
He decided to take revenge.
One day, he picked this man coming from the opposite direction as his victim.
When the man was within earshot, the Gentle Giant started to hawk exaggeratedly, long and loud, just to prepare the poor man for what was about to follow.
Then, as the Gentle Giant and the man had just passed each other, he made the sound of spitting, loudly, in the direction of the man’s back. The poor man jumped up in alarm and quickly looked behind him, to see if the gob from this tall Westerner might have landed on the back of his shoes.
The Gentle Giant got a lot of satisfaction from this silly game: “NOW you know what it’s like!”
(China, 1980s)